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Welcome to BEBE 比比
Our Products is the First Choice
(A) 1.Flexible Round Air Duct
       (F-Series 1"~28"Φ)
   2.Duct Fitting (S-Series 2"~8"Φ)
   3.Duct Blower (B-Series 3"~8"Φ)
(B) 4.Fume Purifier (C-Series 2"~8"Φ)
   5.Local Fume Capture Arm
     (V-Series 2"~8"Φ,L:1-3M)

since year 1968 of experience in this field, company in 1981 & Factory is 85,is well established and trusted by engineer,crafter & all sizes of businesses.

The V- S- B- Series Product is available for stock. C-Series, The Fume Purifiers are under construction and thank you for your continued support.

歡迎光臨BEBE 比比器材供應 首選
(A) 繞性圓風管(F-系列 1"~28"Φ)
      附件(S-系列 2"~10"Φ)
      風機(B-系列 3"~10"Φ)
(B) 局部萬向抽煙罩(V-系列 2"~8"Φ,1-3M長)
      淨化機(C-系列 2"~8"Φ)

自1968年台北工專本科../通用/核一/新加坡...1981年公司創立,85年設廠以來, 專業傳承深耕台灣累積的經驗,
在引進研發生產商品化高品質 "風"的器材,供應領域,我們的知識,信譽,能力及產品線己建立成熟.
歡迎光臨,敬請指教。並感謝 您 繼續的支持。